i-to-i Online Therapy
based in Oxfordshire, UK
“Supervision is essential to how practitioners sustain good practice throughout their working life. It provides practitioners with regular and ongoing opportunities to reflect in depth about all aspects of their practice in order to work as effectively, safely and ethically as possible”
(BACP Good Practice in Action)
I am an experienced psychotherapist and counselling psychologist, delivering integrative therapy for adults facing various challenges; through charities, the NHS, and private practice, since 2009. Having undertaken the British Psychological Society’s training in Supervision Skills I now provide clinical supervision online for counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists.
My aim for supervision is to support you in your therapeutic work and facilitate your growth as a therapist, in a non-judgemental and safe environment.
Using the seven-eyed model (Hawkins and Shohet), we will explore your work from the perspective of:
The client and their presentation
The strategies and interventions used in therapy
The therapeutic relationship
The impact of the work on you, the therapist, and your capacity to engage with the client
The supervisory relationship
The here-and-now experience of the supervision session
The wider context in which the therapy takes place, including the ethical codes of our professional organisations.
Although supervision is a mandatory requirement of our professional organisations, I hope you come to value it as a fascinating and exciting space to explore your work, learn and grow as a therapist, whilst feeling supported and motivated in this interesting, yet challenging line of work.

I offer online supervision on a one-to-one basis with both trainees and experienced counsellors, psychotherapists, and psychologists.
For Trainees: 1 hour session £40, or 1.5 hour session £60
For Qualified Practitioners: 1 hour session £55, or 1.5 hour session £80
​If you are seeking a supervisor, and would like to discuss this with me, then please email with your contact details, experience/ stage of your career, therapeutic modality, and likely availability for supervision sessions.